Sunday, January 1, 2012

Here's a story, of two lovely ladies...

It all started with being addicted to Pinterest. Every year during the holidays Rebecca & Virginia look for lots of homemade possibilities and Pinterest is an excellent breeding ground for ideas. Virginia made soaps for Rebecca this past Christmas using Pinterest. Knowing how crafty her sister is, Virginia turned Rebecca onto Pinterest two months or so ago which got Rebecca's cogs turning.
The doorbell rang and Virginia got a package from her sister. Inside was a little homemade sleigh with lots of little presents. Christmas morning Virginia opened her gift which gave her clues to "the challenge" Rebecca led onto via phone conversation prior to Christmas. Since the sisters live so far from each other now, they find any excuse to keep connected. Arts & crafts have always been something that brought them together. Rebecca knew this when she came up with the idea. The sleigh contained glue sticks, a thimble, mini screw driver, shrinky dinks, a bobbin with a message rolled up & some much needed chocolates and candy canes. The sleigh was affixed to a card with more surprises inside which was the key component to know the whole idea Rebecca had concocted. The card invited Virginia to 12 months of crafting and DIY heaven with a challenge attached. Not to give her too much of an advantage, just the right amount of items to give Virginia a start. Virginia was excited for a chance to not only stay in touch with her sister and also to competitively craft the year away in 2012.
Game is ON!   Rebecca and Virginia are off on a crafting, upcycling & DIY challenging. We are asking all of you to vote on our final products each month. Also all final products will be traded among the sisters as gifts. Rebecca and Virginia truly love and miss each other dearly but still love a good challenge at the same time.